11 December, 2010

The story of Partners for Care Kenya

Partners for Care Kenya is as a result of young Kenyans wanting to come together to do something for their country. With HIV continuing to infect people including unborn children these young Kenyans wanted to help.  They wanted to change the desperate circumstances many people in Kenya were living in. From the slums of Nairobi to the desert lands in the north this team of young people reached out to help.

They all came from different parts of the country during the Post Election Violence under a church called Glory Outreach Assembly (GOA). Together with GOA and Connie Cheren from the US, they visited IDP camps helping those affected by the violence. Traveling on a Peace Bus they provided medical assistance, food, bednets, sports equipment and prayers

After the violence they continued working under GOA Church for a while, using sports to create HIV/AIDS awareness and teach community health. Samwel Mwangi, currently the Director of the organization, was personally affected by the Post Election Violence, and he decided to bring together a team of worshipers and a few other Kenyans passionate about changing their country and together they decided do something for their nation, as the youth of this country. They left GOA and with the support of donors from the US and well-wishers, they started traveling the Nation creating HIV/AIDS awareness, and teaching on community health and other preventable diseases. In December 2008 they came up with the what if? HIV/AIDS Prevention Campaign. Using their music to draw crowds and with Prof. PLO Lumumba as their spokesperson, they launched the Reach-A-Million Program.   Towards the end of the year 2009, they saw the need of also focusing in the Marurui area (where their organization was based) to reach out and equip, empower and engage the community in community development. This led to the opening of the what if? Life Changing Center on January 25th, 2010.

Today, the Kenya Partners for Care team uses every opportunity they have to change their Nation...to help create an HIV-free generation.